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4 Using ASynK

Recent releases of ASynK (v0.2.0+) only support a command line user interface - even on Windows. Once you have your platform-specific dependencies installed, there is no difference at all in the way ASynK is invoked on any platform.

There are plans to develop a browser-based GUI, but work on that has not started yet.

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4.1 Invoking Help

As of the latest version, only a command line interface is available. There are plans to provide a browser based UI at a later stage.

To run ASynK, change to the root of the downloaded ASynK directory, and type python asynk.py -h to get a detailed help screen as show below. In the following sections we look at each of the flags and options in detail (in time, of course).

Srirams-MacBook-Pro:asynk.co sriramkarra$ ./asynk.py --help
usage: asynk.py [-h] [--dry-run] [--sync-all]
                [--op {list-folders,create-folder,create-store,show-folder,del-folder,list-profiles,list-profile-names,find-profile,create-profile,show-profile,del-profile,sync,clear-sync-artifacts}]
                [--user-dir USER_DIR]
                [--db {bb,gc,ol,cd,ex} [{bb,gc,ol,cd,ex} ...]]
                [--store STORE [STORE ...]] [--folder FOLDER [FOLDER ...]]
                [--item ITEM] [--name NAME] [--direction {1way,2way}]
                [--label-regex LABEL_REGEX]
                [--conflict-resolve CONFLICT_RESOLVE]
                [--gcpwd GCPWD [GCPWD ...]] [--cduser CDUSER [CDUSER ...]]
                [--cdpwd CDPWD [CDPWD ...]]
                [--log {debug,info,error,critical}] [--version]

ASynK: PIM Awesome Sync by Karra

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dry-run             Do not sync, but merely show what will happen if a
                        sync is performed.
  --sync-all            when used with --op=sync, this will ignore previous
                        synchronization state, and perform a complete resync.
  --op {list-folders,create-folder,create-store,show-folder,del-folder,list-profiles,list-profile-names,find-profile,create-profile,show-profile,del-profile,sync,clear-sync-artifacts}
                        Specific management operation to be performed.
  --user-dir USER_DIR   Directory to store ASynK config files, logs directory,
                        BBDB backups directory, etc.
  --db {bb,gc,ol,cd,ex} [{bb,gc,ol,cd,ex} ...]
                        DB IDs required for most actions. Some actions need
                        two DB IDs - do it with two --db flags. When doing so
                        remember that order might be important for certain
  --store STORE [STORE ...]
                        Specifies store ID(s) to be operated on.
  --folder FOLDER [FOLDER ...]
                        For operations that need folder ids, this option
                        specifies them. More than one can be specified
                        separated by spaces
  --item ITEM           For Item operations specify the ID of the Item to
                        operate on.
  --name NAME           For profile operations, specifies profile name. For
                        Folder operations, specifies folder name
  --direction {1way,2way}
                        Specifies whether a sync has to be unidirectional or
                        bidirectional. Defaults to bidirectional sync, i.e.
  --label-regex LABEL_REGEX
                        A regular expression for sync artification to be
                        cleared from specified folder. This is to be used
                        independently of any sync profile.
  --conflict-resolve CONFLICT_RESOLVE
                        Specifies how to deal with conflicts in case of a
                        bidirectional sync and an item is modified in both
                        places. It should be set to 1 or 2 to specify the one
                        to be used; in case the dbs are unique. For e.g. if
                        you are synching from BBDB to Google Contacts, then
                        you can also specify the dbid itself (i.e. bb or gc)
  --log {debug,info,error,critical}
                        Specify level of console logging. Note that DEBUG
                        level logs are always written to a log file for
                        tracking purposes
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Google Authentication:
  --gcpwd GCPWD [GCPWD ...]
                        Google password. Relevant only if --db=gc is used. You
                        can specify two if you are operating with 2 gc dbs.
                        You could also specify one from netrc and one on the
                        command line. First one can optionally be "None"
                        (without the quotes). If this option is not specified,
                        user is prompted password from stdin as required.

CardDAV Server Authentication:
  --cduser CDUSER [CDUSER ...]
                        CardDAV username. Relevant only if --db=cd is used.
                        You can specify two if you are operating with 2 cd
                        dbs. You could also specify one from netrc and one on
                        the command line. First one can optionally be "None"
                        (without the quotes). If this option is not specified,
                        user is prompted for it from stdin if required.
  --cdpwd CDPWD [CDPWD ...]
                        CardDAV password. Relevant only if --db=cd is used.
                        You can specify two if you are operating with 2 cd
                        dbs. You could also specify one from netrc and one on
                        the command line. First one can optionally be "None"
                        (without the quotes). If this option is not specified,
                        user is prompted for it from stdin if required.

TODO: Detailed documentation on what each of the above flags mean, etc.

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